
He's never liked me lol.

Painting Spree

So last weekend my mom finally got in the mood to paint. And so that's what we did. We painted everything. The kitchen, the living room, and the hallway. 3 different colors. All in one day. Oh my gosh, we were both SO exhausted! But, it looks so good! I'm so happy to finally be decorating our house. We've lived here about 6 years now and are just starting to decorate- it's about time!!

Before pics of the living room:

No before pics of the kitchen, sorry. But trust me- it was ugly with horrible wall paper everywhere! haha

We couldn't figure out how we were going to paint this back corner. Finally, we decided to duct tape our paint brush to our broom stick and I sat on top of the fridge and reached the corner! We're so smart ;)

And here's the after of the living room! (except we've actually put some stuff on the walls since I took this pic)

Love this wall

The kitchen

Summer Vacation

I've been so behind on blogging...oops! ;)

My family went on a trip to Arizona last month. We stayed in Flagstaff, and went to see the Grand Canyon and spent a day in Sedona. Both beautiful places! So glad we got to go on this family trip- our last trip before Kyle graduates next summer and goes off to college in Washington :(