Frustrated =/

I'm just frustrated right now and I need to vent it =/ This has been the most boring spring break ever! And the most disappointing, because a few weeks ago I decided I would just go down to my grandma's house for the whole week and just relax and help my grandma with stuff, but then I realized none of my friends were going anywhere for spring break and so I decided to not go, thinking I would spend the week doing stuff with my friends. Plus my mom said she would take Thursday and Friday off to do stuff with me too. Well now it's the end of the week and I haven't done ANYTHING. Literally, I haven't stepped outside my house since Sunday. Ugh, it's just frustrating and so disappointing. I wish I had gone to my grandma's house :(


Heather said...

You went to see a cute movie at :p

Rachel said...

LOL yeah, that movie made me feel happy :) haha