Yearbok Camp

We left early Friday morning for yearbook camp :) It was at the same place as last year, Chapman University. This year all our staff except one went, which is really good since half our staff is new. I didn't feel like I really learned this year, since I learned so much last year, but it was still fun to go to bond with all the new people and to be a part of doing our theme. We met with our favorite artist, Tara, and she designed our cover :) I love it, it's COMPLETELY different than anything Desert Christian has EVER seen, that's for sure lol. One thing everyone has to do at yearbook camp is complete our theme packet. It's like our first deadline. Every school has to turn in their theme packet by 8:00 pm on Sunday. Last year we had major issues, and didn't make the deadline :( This year..... we had it turned in before 5:00!!! :) lol. That was super exciting for us. After we finished our deadline, it's tradition to go to Downtown Disney and eat at Rainforest Cafe (since the camp puts on a dance, and we're not allowed to go lol). So we all got ready and headed to Downtown Disney. There was a 2 hour wait at Rainforest, so we were walking around and I guess Mrs. Puglia found out Build-A-Bear was having a special so we decided to make a yearbook mascot! lol. It took us a while to decide what it should be, but finally we decided on a horse, since we're the Knights, and Knights ride horses lol. It was so much fun making him. His name is Chadford (inside joke from our yearbook whale watching trip...I think I wrote about it in that post lol). Then we went and ate at Rainforest Cafe, and got 2 volcanoes...yummy! The next morning was the last day of camp. All the schools got divided into groups and we present our theme. They have a couple advisors/Walsworth people that basically judge your theme. Pretty much like American Idol LOL. They tell us what they like, and what they don't like. They kind of picked on our theme a lot, but pretty much everything they said we knew they would say lol. I love our theme, and I'm really excited for this year and to SHOCK all of Desert Christian with what we're doing :)

Oh and I almost forgot to write this funny story. So, at yearbook camp, anytime someone loses something, like their name tag or something like that, Mike (our representative) makes them get on stage and do something embarrassing in front of everyone. Well, on Friday after dinner, Ashley and I realized we needed our laptops for the next thing and the dorms are kind of a long walk from the campus, so we just got up and hurried to go get our laptops, leaving our trays on the table. Big mistake. The next day, Mike called Ashley and I on stage for not putting our trays away, and guess what we had to do? The freakin chicken dance lol. Even worse, we didn't know it! So they had to get another student from another school to come up and show us how to do it lolol. Then Ashley and I ended up being in the photography slideshow like 5 times. Kind of embarrassing, but it was funny lol.


Heather said...

Sounds like a lot of fun :) I forgot how to do the chicken dance, lol. I used to do it at the Jethawk's games in the audience when I was younger :p