Crappy Day
Posted by
on Thursday, February 18, 2010
No picture today. Today was just bad. Rushed to get out the house this morning, and I was just physically exhausted all day, my allergies are killing me, and then got put into a bad mood, and I wish I could just vent about it, but do I have anyone I could talk to? No. And I can't vent on here because, well, then everyone could read it, duh lol. But I got home, and in spite of all those things, I decided to go outside to take pictures of the clouds that rolled in at some point today (another bad part of today, I was hoping winter was just over early and spring was here. It was so warm this past week!) So anyways, I go outside to take pics, and it just wasn't workin' out for me. My camera wasn't focusing for some reason and it is so rediculously windy out there, my hair was flying all over, so I just gave up. I'm ready for this day to be over!
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