10 Years From Now

I have followed Nancy Ray's blog for a while now, and her latest post really got me thinking. I mean, I think about my future all the time, but after reading her post, I closed my eyes and pictured how I REALLY want my life to be like 10 years from now. And like she said in her post, sometimes it's embarrassing or scary to share your dreams with people, because then if those dreams don't come true, everyone knows it. But, what the heck, here it goes lol. When I close my eyes and picture my life 10 years from now, this is what I see:

I'm 28 years old. I'm happily married, and have at least one child, maybe pregnant with another. We live on the east coast, in either North or South Carolina, or maybe Tennessee, in my dream house. It's a house on a big piece of land, that has lots of windows and a huge porch that goes all the way around the house. There's a lot of trees and wild flowers surrounding our home. We have lots of family and friends over for a bar-b-que, and as the sun is setting, all of us adults are sitting on the porch laughing, talking, drinking sweet tea while all the kids are running around trying to catch fireflies. Everyone has a smile on their face. Everyone is content.

And that's it. That's what I see. That's truly what I hope my life will be like 10 years from now. I realized after I opened my eyes, that I didn't picture anything about my job, or my husband's job. I didn't picture how much money we made, or what kind of "stuff" we owned, because, really, none of that matters. All I want out of life is to be surrounded by people I love, who love me back, and be truly happy with my life.