San Fran

I REALLY want to take a mini-vacation to San Francisco! I've never been (well, except when I was 1, so that doesn't count lol) and I just suddenly have the urge to go! haha. So, who's up for a road trip/ mini-vacation with me?! :)


Heather said...

Lauryn was just telling me how she wants to go there so bad haha.

Desiree Blake said...

Its actually expensive...gas, hotel, and stuff to do. It is a BLAST though. One of my favorite places =]

Rachel said...

Well if I get a few people to go with me it's not too bad. An $80 hotel split 4 ways is just $20 per person and gas split 4 ways isn't too bad either.

k.Verb said...

Lets go before we both leave:]]