I'm a Graduate!

June 17, 2010 I officially became a graduate of Desert Christian! I still can't believe it... it really hasn't hit me yet. It doesn't even feel like the school year ended, because I didn't have any finals, so I just feel like we're on some sort of little break and I'll be back to school in a week lol. I can't imagine not going to school every day anymore... it's so weird! Graduation was something I've looked forward to for SO long and I was constantly wishing for it to come as fast as possible, and now it's over. I've graduated. I'm done. And now I'm thinking, why the heck did I want it to come so fast?! Looking back, high school totally FLEW by! I don't even feel like I had a senior year, it went by so fast! Now I actually have to grow up and get a job and be responsible. HOLY CRAP! lol. I mean, I am SO excited to move out on my own and start a new life in NC, but now that it's actually time to do it, it's kind of freaking me out! For so long I just wanted to fast forward to this time, but now that I'm here, I just want to rewind or pause for a little bit! But sadly, I can't... and if there's one thing I've learned, it's to not wish to be in a different part in life anymore, I need to live in the now. I'm so thankful for my high school years; I'm thankful that I got to go to DCHS, I'm thankful for the friends I had, I'm thankful for the teachers that cared about me, and I'm thankful for my parents who always made sure I was happy and well taken care of. But now, it is time for me to grow up and move on. As nerve-wrecking as it is, I am so excited to see what God has in store for my post-high school life!