"Then they asked him, 'What must we do to do the works God requires?' Jesus answered, 'The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.'"
- John 6:28-29
I've been thinking a lot about God's will lately. What's God's will for my life? Was it God's will for me to come here? Is it God's will for me to stay here? Is it God's will for me to move back home? Can I screw up God's will for my life? How do I know if something is God's will? So many questions, and it left me feeling so confused and frustrated. Then I began to realize something- God's will is simply for us to believe in him. To know that he is Lord of all, and to put our complete trust in him. To live every day for him, and for everything I do, to be for his glory. No matter what city I live in, what job I have, who I'm friends with- as long as I'm living for God, I am in his will. I don't know where I'll be 10 years from now, 5 years from now, or even 6 months from now, but I know that I believe in God, and I trust him, and in the end, that's all that matters.