Growing up I LOVED Halloween! I mean, what little kid doesn't? I loved getting to wear my costume to school and walk in the Halloween parade, and then after school my brother and I would just sit around in our costumes waiting for it to FINALLY start to get dark so we can go trick-or-treating! :) And we'd come home with so much candy, we never even ate it all. Nowadays, I never do anything for Halloween. At my age, the only thing for me to do would be to dress up as a "sexy ________" (fill in the blank with whatever you want lol) and go to some party where people think it's cool to get drunk and I'm just not in to any of that. I have no desire to dress in a skimpy outfit and do something I know I would regret. Call me lame, but I just miss the days when all Halloween meant was I got to dress up as a princess and go out with my neighborhood friends to get candy. So this year, instead of partying like most people my age, I'll be home passing out candy to all the little kids in their cute costumes :)
Happy Halloween! Me at age 2. I was Raggedy Ann and my cousin Tyler who is 5 days younger than me, was Raggedy Andy. :)
It'll get fun for you again when you have kids and get to take them out lol. But even as teenagers I see a lot of people dressed up trick-or-treating around the neighborhood, don't think you're too old to have fun!
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