Skip to 23

Sooo....I'm a little behind on my 31 day photo challenge. Actually, I'm a lot behind. And I don't feel like going back and catching up on all the days I missed. Yes, I am that lazy lol. Therefore, I'm skipping to day 23! :)

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

Well, I honestly love a lot of books. All of Nicholas Sparks' books are so good, I love all his books. But these have got to be my favorite (and I know technically they're 4 books, but I'm just going to clump them together into 1 lol). They really are just so good; a million times better than the movies! I could read these books over and over, I love them!


Heather said...

lol, I've read them all more than once, not gonna lie! ;)

Rachel said...

So have I! lol