Saving my butt off

Starting right now, I am going to start saving every bit of money I can, because I have a big goal- I want to be able to move out of my parents house in a year. Whether I just get my own place here in the AV, or I move back to NC, or I move to some other random place lol, who knows where it will be, but that's my goal. I know it's kind of weird, but my brother will be graduating and moving to Washington next summer, and I don't want to still be living with my parents and my little brother has already moved out lol. So that's my goal- from now until next summer I'm going to try to put half of every paycheck right into savings... Wish me luck! lol


I am SO happy that it's finally summer! Bring on the sunshine, sunblock, beach trips, and bon fires! :)

99% Done

Well, my room is basically done! All I have left to do is make my headboard, and who knows when I'll get around to doing that project lol. (This is what I'm wanting to do-

Haven't figured out what I'm going to put in those frames

This is my mom's china that she got for her wedding :)

One Year

I can't believe it's already been a year since this...

It's crazy how much my life has changed just in this past year. I would have never imagined that so many things can happen within just one year. I moved to North Carolina- by myself, became depressed, came home on a whim, became even more depressed, started taking college classes, started having panic attacks, dropped out of my college classes, started taking medication for anxiety/depression- as well as thyroid medication, got a job at Learning Tree Preschool, and now starting attempt #2 at taking college classes. Standing there on that stage that night, I NEVER would have imagined that this is what my life would be like in a year. I totally thought that after I graduated I would be heading off to NC with my best friend, get a job so that we could get our own place, meet some great new friends, start a photography business, meet a great guy, and start living out my dream of falling in love and living in the country. None of those things happened. And that was really hard for me for a while. But looking back, I wouldn't change a thing. I'm so grateful for everything I went through, and I'm really starting to be happy again. I'm taking a summer class online, and it's going well, I LOVE my job, and even though I don't really have many friends anymore, the couple that I do have mean the world to me and I'm so thankful for them. I guess the biggest thing I've learned this past year is that life doesn't always go as planned. But that's okay, because even when it doesn't go as planned, it still always works out for the best, because there is someone that has a greater plan for me than I ever had for myself. :)


Well, my bedroom is almost done! The only project left is to make my headboard, and then I just still have a few more decorative things to buy. Oh, and my mom needs to make pillows.

Happy Birthday Mom

My mom's birthday was Sunday (June 12), so I made her some cupcakes! Not to brag, but they were sooooo good! haha. Chocolate cupcakes dipped in bittersweet chocolate ganache...YUM!

Cabinet Makeover

A couple weekends ago I found this hutch on craigslist for only $60! So my parents went to pick it up, and it was in worse shape than it looked like online, so my mom and I now had a new project to work on.

First, we had to primer it.

Then on to the paint...RED!

We found this fabric at a store that's going out of business...only $1.60 a yard!

We glued the fabric to the back with spray adhesive

Then we painted the hardware black

And finally, we antiqued it a little bit by rubbing black gloss into the crevices


Missing Wilmington...

I know it's crazy, but I'm really starting to miss Wilmington, NC. I don't wish I had stayed, because I know I needed to come back. I had lots of things I needed to work out, but now that I'm better and healthy again, there's just something in me that's starting to make me want to move back. It's hard though because I really do love living here in California, but I don't know, there's just something in me that's pulling me back there. I miss living so close to the beautiful beaches, I miss all the green trees, and I really miss the church I attended while I was there. It was such a great church, and I went every single week I was there! There's one thing for sure though, I won't move by myself again! It was too lonely. And now, my aunt that I stayed with is actually moving back to Michigan. So I really NEED someone to move with me if I ever decide to move back, because I'll have to rent an apartment....

Anyways, I just have been thinking about this a lot and decided to update my blog :P