My Life

So, I have come to the conclusion that I have no life lol. Seriously, this past week I've done NOTHING! lol. I've watched shows that I've never watched before, and have no interest in watching, but I have nothing better to do lol. I even started doing Twitter this week because I had nothing to do lol. And for the past like 2 hours I've just sat in my computer chair watching youtube videos of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato....I'v never watched anything of them before, but, once again, I had nothing better to do with my life lol. And now I'm writing this, because I have NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH MY LIFE! lolol. I DESPERATE for something to do! lolol. I wish I had a crazy fun life like Taylor Swift or Miley But I don't. So I'm just going to go watch So You Think You Can Dance Now lol.


Heather said...

Follow me on Twitter!

Rachel said...

I already requested to follow you a couple days ago lol.

Desiree Blake said...

Do you make your backgrounds? Or get them from a site?

Rachel said...

I make them :) I found this lady's blog that teaches you how to do it with Photoshop.

Heather said...

You don't Twitter very