Today I had the best day with Ashley :) We hadn't seen each other in a couple weeks, and she had to go down to her grandma's house suddenly, so I decided to go down to my grandma's house too so we could hang out. We went to the pier for lunch and had some really yummy Mexican food (I loooove Mexican food lol). Then we walked I think like 3 miles along the beach to the place where we left our stuff (we left all our beach stuff there so that we didn't have to carry it around at the pier, because we had a skim board and boogie board and stuff lol). At first we couldn't find our stuff, and we got kinda lost, but we eventually spotted it lol. We spent a few hours there, swimming in the ocean and laying on the beach taking pics and listening to music :) It was such a perfect beach day, it felt so good out there. Then Ashley's grandma picked us up and we went back to her house. Ashley's grandparents left for their dance class, so Ash and I had the house to ourselves. We made dinner- cheese ravioli, veggies, bread, and peach iced tea. Then we got in the spa for a while, while we blasted music through her grandma's house lol. Then it was time for dessert :) We cut up a bunch of strawberries and topped them with whipped cream and chocolate syrup lol. We sat and watched Jon and Kate Plus 8 while we enjoyed our delicious strawberries :) It was so nice just hanging out with my bestie. While we were making dinner, I said to her, this is what it's gunna be like in a year when we're in South Carolina on our own in our own apartment lol. It really was the best day :) I love you bestie!
The Best Day
Posted by
on Monday, August 17, 2009
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