"My Sister's Keeper"

Senior Picture

Yearbook Pool Party
Today we had a yearbook pool party at Mrs. Puglia's house. I love her house lol. It was our first party as our new staff, except only about half of us showed up lol. But oh well, it was still fun. I mostly just laid out by the pool tanning and taking pictures haha. It was so hot today! Today is the first day it felt like summer to me, because it hasn't been that hot yet, but now it is definitely hot haha. Then after we were done swimming we went inside to start talking about what we're going to do for our theme this year, and as we were talking Luke (Mrs. Puglia's son) comes in and just says "Michael Jackson died." And he was kind of smiling as he said it, so we all started laughing and were like no he didn't, but then we found out it was true. Kinda sad, even though I wasn't a fan. But it was a fun day. I always love relaxing by the pool :)

First, let me just say that I LOVE my camera and I am so thankful to have it.
Isn't it beautiful? I am so in love with it. Now, it will be awhile until I will own one of these, seeing that it is $8,000, but if I start saving now I should be able to afford it in....10 years? lol.
But man, I can NOT WAIT till the day that I can upgrade to this:

Isn't it beautiful? I am so in love with it. Now, it will be awhile until I will own one of these, seeing that it is $8,000, but if I start saving now I should be able to afford it in....10 years? lol.
Got to see my bestie
Yay, my bestie is home from the East Coast Trip! :) lol. I missed her sooo much! So tonight we went to see "The Proposal". We went with my mom and Heather :) The movie was hilarious! I was laughing SO hard! When the movie started these ladies behind us were cracking up about who knows what, but it was so hilarious Ash and I couldn't stop laughing either lolol. Then all through the movie Heather, Ash, and I kept saying "he's so cute!" about the actor Ryan Reynolds lolol. I think Heather wins the award of saying it the most times though haha. Then after the movie Ash gave me a box of salt water taffy from Boston, and some other chocolates that look yummy :) Fun night. I'm so glad my bestie is home :)
Bucket List
So, since I have nothing to do with my life, I decided I'll make a list of things I WANT to do with my life lol, like a bucket list haha.
Go to college
Bungee Jump
Go on a cruise
Go on a road trip
Go TP'ing
Ride a motorcycle
Go to all 50 states
Go to Paris
Travel the world
Have my own photography business
Fall in love
Get married
Have kids
Meet Taylor Swift
Go in a hot air balloon
Go para sailing
Go hang gliding
Go zip-lining
Go to a Chicago Bears game
Learn to dance
Name a star
Sing at a karaoke bar
Get a tattoo
Do a photo shoot for someone famous
Swim with dolphins
Kiss in the rain
Go to a Super Bowl
Inspire someone else
Spend New Year's in Times Square
Sleep under the stars
See the Grand Canyon
Drive a convertible
Donate lots of money to a charity
Go ice-skating
Ride a horse
Take a cake decorating class
Learn to play piano
Learn to play guitar
Go to Australia
Go to Disney World
See Mount Rushmore
See a real castle
Live by the beach
Go to a fashion show in New York
Drive from coast to coast
Go to a movie premiere
That's all I got for now, but I'm sure there's more lol.
Go to college
Bungee Jump
Go on a cruise
Go on a road trip
Go TP'ing
Ride a motorcycle
Go to all 50 states
Go to Paris
Travel the world
Have my own photography business
Fall in love
Get married
Have kids
Meet Taylor Swift
Go in a hot air balloon
Go para sailing
Go hang gliding
Go zip-lining
Go to a Chicago Bears game
Learn to dance
Name a star
Sing at a karaoke bar
Get a tattoo
Do a photo shoot for someone famous
Swim with dolphins
Kiss in the rain
Go to a Super Bowl
Inspire someone else
Spend New Year's in Times Square
Sleep under the stars
See the Grand Canyon
Drive a convertible
Donate lots of money to a charity
Go ice-skating
Ride a horse
Take a cake decorating class
Learn to play piano
Learn to play guitar
Go to Australia
Go to Disney World
See Mount Rushmore
See a real castle
Live by the beach
Go to a fashion show in New York
Drive from coast to coast
Go to a movie premiere
That's all I got for now, but I'm sure there's more lol.
My Life
So, I have come to the conclusion that I have no life lol. Seriously, this past week I've done NOTHING! lol. I've watched shows that I've never watched before, and have no interest in watching, but I have nothing better to do lol. I even started doing Twitter this week because I had nothing to do lol. And for the past like 2 hours I've just sat in my computer chair watching youtube videos of Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato....I'v never watched anything of them before, but, once again, I had nothing better to do with my life lol. And now I'm writing this, because I have NOTHING BETTER TO DO WITH MY LIFE! lolol. I DESPERATE for something to do! lolol. I wish I had a crazy fun life like Taylor Swift or Miley Cyrus...lol. But I don't. So I'm just going to go watch So You Think You Can Dance Now lol.
I got addicted to scrapbooking today lol. It's seriously like all I've done today. It's good though, because I have SO much to catch up on. I need to finish Junior year before Senior year starts lol. Anyway, here's everything I did today :)

CMT Music Awards
This is the intro to the music awards. It is freakin hilarious! lol.
Taylor Swift won 2 awards- Female Video of the Year and Video of the Year, both for "Love Story" :)

Woo Hoo!!

Ahhh! I can't believe it! I'm so stoked!! I've been doing my "happy dance" all day and singing "I'm a senior, ah ah ah, I'm a senior, ah ah ah ah..." LOLOL. And I'm so excited for summer! I can't wait to sleep in, and fill my days with swimming, going to the beach, and catching up on One Tree Hill lol. I LOVE SUMMER!
Senior Picture Outfits
So this is an example of how big of a planner I am: I bought all the outfits that I'm going to wear in my senior pictures today- and I don't even have an appointment for when I'm going to take my pictures yet LOL. But it feels good to have it done and know what I'm going to wear :) haha.
Outfit #2- semi-casual. I love this top, it's so cute. It's a darker brown in person too, the camera kind of lightened it lol.
And outfit #3-my nicest outfit. I'm not a fancy person, so I just wanted a semi-nice, white sundress. White always looks good in pictures, so that's why I wanted white lol.
So here's outfit #1- my most casual one, just jeans and a t-shirt. I wanted a green t-shirt since my eyes are green lol. I might get a new one though because I feel like you can see my belly-button through this one, and I hate that lol. Or maybe I just need to do lots of crunches between now and when I take my pics haha. 
Almost Done!
I just had my last day of classes as a junior!! I can't believe it, time has flown by! I remember as a freshman everyone telling me how fast high school goes, and of course I never believed them, but now I know they were right! haha. I'm almost a senior. That's just so crazy, I cannot believe it. I'm so excited! But I'm also scared because that means I'm graduating in a year and I need to figure out what the heck I'm going to do with my life lol. I still need to take SAT's, then figure out what colleges I want to apply to and then actually apply to them...oh man, this stuff stresses me out lol. But I'm not going to worry about that stuff now, right now I'm just excited that it's almost summer and I'm almost a senior! Woo hoo! :)
Boredom + New Camera= Random Pics
Boring day today, so what better to do than take lots of random pictures with my new camera? lol